Husband: Robert John Brown
Born: 2 May 1819 at: Married: 24 Feb 1855 at: Camperdown, N.S.W. Died: 14 Dec 1887 at: Albury, N.S.W. Father:Robert John Brown Mother:Mrs RJ Brown Other Spouses:
Wife: Elizabeth Taylor
Born: 23 Jan 1835 at: Liverpool Street, Sydney Died: 30 Apr 1915 at: Albury, N.S.W. Father:Edward Taylor Mother:Ellen Nowlen Other Spouses:
Name: Robert John Brown Born: 1 Jan 1856 at: Sydney, N.S.W. Married: at: Died: at: Spouses:
Name: Elizabeth Mary Brown Born: 7 Aug 1857 at: Married: at: Died: at: Spouses:
Name: James Thomas Brown Born: 22 Aug 1859 at: Albury, New South Wales Married: ABT 1884 at: Albury, N.S.W. Died: at: Albury, New South Wales Spouses: Amelia Elizabeth Manning
Name: Catherine Brown Born: 17 Aug 1861 at: Married: at: Died: at: Spouses:
Name: William Henry Brown Born: 12 Mar 1864 at: Married: at: Died: at: Spouses:
Name: Samuel Joseph Brown Born: 30 May 1866 at: Married: at: Died: at: Spouses:
Name: Rebecca Claire Brown Born: 14 Oct 1868 at: Married: at: Died: at: Spouses:
Name: Charles Gorton Brown Born: 12 Sep 1870 at: Married: at: Died: at: Spouses:
Name: Martha Margaret Brown Born: 1 Feb 1873 at: Married: at: Died: at: Spouses:
Name: Christiana Janet Brown Born: 1 Feb 1873 at: Married: at: Died: at: Spouses:
Name: Richard Gorton Brown Born: 23 Aug 1875 at: Sydney, N.S.W. Married: at: Died: at: Spouses:
Name: Mary Anne Brown Born: 28 Jul 1877 at: Married: at: Died: at: Spouses: Mr S Slater
Robert John Brown
Elizabeth Taylor
"When I settled down nearly under the Shadeless tree on which Mr Hume carved the name Hume River on November 17 1824, I could little imagine that so rapid a transformation would take place in a few short years, my only companions a few blacks, the kangaroo, the emu, the native dog. Now Albury can boast of it's newspapers, fine buildings, steam mills, its churches, bank, court house, etc." - ROBERT BROWN writing in 1857 The present twin cities of Albury and Wodonga began their days as "The Crossing Place". Robert Brown was the first white man to settle on the site of Albury, although Hume & Hovell had discovered the site in 1824. He arrived in 1836, a few months after the first settlers "squatted" on either side of the river where Albury-Wodonga now stands. It was the same year that Major Thomas Mitchell explored Western Victoria, re-crossing the Murray at Howlong, unaware settlement had begun 32km upstream some months earlier. Nearly 12 years had passed since Hume & Hovell had explored the region. The long delay between discovery and settlement was due to the governors s of New South Wales (which included what is now Victoria) forbade settlement outside the "Nineteen Counties" around Sydney. No land could be bought or sold, there were no roads and no Police protection. Despite official disapproval, there was a gradual surge southwards by squatters searching for new pastures. After 1836, the governors grudgingly granted licences to settle. In 1838, Robert Brown built the first dwelling in Albury (a slab hut) near the Hovell tree - the one marked by the explorers (Hume & Hovell) as they passed in 1824. Albury was gazetted as a town in 1839. The cluster of huts multiplied, and a hotel for travellers was built nearby (on the site now occupied by the Turks Head Museum). By 1844 Robert Brown had provided the forerunner of the present Union Bridge: the most primitive of punts ... hauled people across the water. Sources:- 'The Book of the Murray' edited by GV Lawrence and GK Smith, published by Rigby, 1975. ISBN 0 85179 917.5 pp 111-112) Rigby, 1975. ISBN 0 85179 917.5 pp 111-112)
BROWN, ELIZABETH - Obituary from the Albury Border Morning Mail 30 April 1915 OLD COLONIST DIES Death of Mrs Elizabeth Brown - One of Albury's Pioneers There died at her residence, South Albury, at a quarter to nine this morning, one of the pioneer identities of the town, and one of the oldest native born residents of the Commonwealth, in the person of Mrs Elizabeth Brown, relict of the late Robert Brown. Granny Brown, as she was familiarly and affectionately known amongst a very wide circle of friends, came to Albury over 60 years ago, and for almost the whole of that lengthy period had resided in the dwelling where she died, adjacent to the lagoon which, even in official municipal circles, bears her name. She was as Mr J.L. McEachern remarked today, the towns oldest midwife, and in that capacity, for half a century or more, she came in contact with all classes of the community, in the early days of Albury, when the town did not possess the medical and other advantages with which it is so well equipped today. She was a woman of most kindly and charitable disposition, and her unselfishness was unbounded; those who knew her intimately recognised in her the proverbial "friend in need" and many people in Albury will cherish kindly rememberances of her. The late Mrs Brown was born in Liverpool Street, Sydney, on January 23, 1835 - two years before Queen Victoria ascended to the throne of Britain - so that she was in her 81st year. She was married in Sydney when she was in her 21st year, and about 12 months later left the "city" - Sydney was not much of a city then - for these parts. Accompanied by her husband and infant son, she travelled overland in a bullock waggon, and needless to say, the journey was a protracted and eventful one, their being little settlement indeed inland in those days. When near Tarcutta, the waggon went into a "rut", and Mrs Brown was thrown out. She managed to throw her baby clear from the wheels, which passed over her own body , seriously injuring her. However, the wives of the overlanders, as Australian writers have recorded, were brave and hardy, and Mrs Brown rapidly recovered. On arrival at Albury her husband engaged in brickmaking, until his death 28 years ago. It may be re-called by old residents that Mr Brown was hastening to a fire in Ebden Street when he dropped dead as the result of heart failure. The deceased lady leaves a grown up family of six sons and three daughters; The sons are Robert (Sydney), James, William, Samuel and Richard (Albury), and Charles (New Zealand), and the daughters Mrs Daniel Robertson (Melbourne), Mrs Morrison (Melbourne), and Mrs S Slater (Albury). There are 36 grandchildren and 11 great- grandchildren. The only surviving sister of the deceased is Mrs J Croucher, of Albury. The late Mrs Brown, who, as indicated, had lived a strenuous life, was a woman of remarkable energy and vitality, and her health did not break down until about last Christmas. During the last couple of months her death had been expected almost daily. The interment will take place on Sunday afternoon, the cortege leaving her late residence at 3.30 for the Albury Cemetery. The mortuary arrangements are in the hands of Mr J.S. Adams.